Woman with world’s longest nails cuts them after almost 30 years (Photos/Video)
Woman with world’s longest nails cuts them after almost 30 years
Ayanna Williams, an American woman who holds a Guinness World Record for longest nails has finally cut them after 30 years.
She broke the Guinness World Record for the world’s longest fingernails in 2017.
According to Ayanna, she last cut her nails in the 90s before she started growing them to 19 feet long.
She visited the doctors to finally remove the nails over the weekend and revealed that she is cutting them shorter in order to perform some house chores she wasn’t able to do when they were long.
She also revealed that it takes her three to four bottles of nail polish and over 20 hours to do her manicure prior to cutting her nails.
The nails will be placed at the “Believe it or Not” museum in Orlando, Florida.
Ayanna added that she will regrow her nails again to about six inches.
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