Annie Idibia Mocks 2Face Idibia For Being Tired After Going For A Couple Of Date For His Extra Special – Video
Posted On February 11, 2021
Actress Annie Idibia has mocked her husband 2Face Idibia for being tired already after going on a couple of dates to find his extra special for valentine after she denied him.
Annie Idibia in an earlier post asked her husband to find someone extra special because she already has one who is very rich and has made plans with him this valentine therefore she won’t be available for him.
2Face Idibia taking his wife’s advice decided to go on a couple of dates to find that extra special person for valentine but is already tired after going on a couple of dates.
The conditions and behaviors of the ladies he went on date with will actually put every man off and it’s not surprising it put him off in the video and his wife reacting to that burst out with laughter saying it’s good for him.
Video and screenshot below;