Singer Dremo Reveals Why He’s Going To Sleep With His Bestie Khloe
Nigerian singer Dremo has disclosed that he’s going to sleep with his best friend Khloe and has given reason for that even though it’s not tangible and doesn’t give him the right to do that.
Demo and Khloe seem to be very good friends but then he’s prepared to put that aside and have a s.exual relationship with her just because he made her famous which doesn’t even give him the right to do that in the first place.

According to Dremo, all those who know him best should be aware that he feels like he would have s.ex with his best friend Khloe because he thinks he made her famous and that alone gives him the right to sleep with her whenever he wants.
It’s different if Dremo and Khloe are in a romantic relationship but based on his post, there’s no romantic relationship between but and he thinks he has the right to have s.ex with Khloe all because he made her famous per his knowledge.
Dremo’s post confirms the saying that a guy and a lady can never be best friends for a long time without sleeping with each other as he now feels the urge to have s.ex with his best friend on the silly basis that he made her famous which isn’t an excuse.
Now that Dremo has made his intentions clear, it’s up to Khloe to decide whether she will give him the chance to do what he wants to do to her, or she would take precautions whenever she’s with him to prevent what she doesn’t want to happen between them.
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