LGBTQ activist Pamela Adie has blasted all those defending late pastor TB Joshua of all his injustices saying this isn’t the right time to talk about it.
Pamela Adie who disagrees with what some people are doing and only talking about the good things TB Joshua did after his demise without talking about some injustices he committed slammed them as she airs her displeasure.
According to her, TB Joshua caused a lot of harm to people especially the LGBTQ community and now that he’s no more, she’s happy that a lot of people who are really ill may finally get the medical help they need instead of waiting for his anointing oil and water.
Pamela disclosed that she understands that TB Joshua was a pastor to a lot of people and they are mourning him but not to her and what she doesn’t understand and will not accept is those saying it’s not the right time to comment on his atrocities.
To Pamela, it’s crap when people use the phrase ‘touch not my anointed to defend their pastors when they are alive and use ‘it’s not the right time’ to defend them when they die asking when will the injustice they committed be talk about.
Pamela then disclosed that TB Joshua was a harmful man who is responsible for the death of the desperate people who went to him for help as she sites some examples asking whether justice has been given to them blasting those who try to defend him.
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