You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be In Life, Don’t Be Stupid – Wizkid Encourages
Posted On March 26, 2021
You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be In Life, Don’t Be Stupid – Wizkid Encourages
Star boy Wizkid has encouraged all not to be stupid and set up their minds as they can be whatever they want to be in life.
Wizkid in an attempt to advise his fan posted on his InstaStory saying you can be whatever you want to be hence don’t be stupid to let yourself down.
Wizkid’s words though simple carry a lot of weight as it encourages one never to give up on what they set up their minds to be as they can no matter what.
He also advised not to be stupid to let something else come between whatever you want to in life because if you set up your mind, you can do it.
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