Comedian Cute Abiola Declare Missing, After he left for work Yesterday – His Wife Cries Out
The popular comic entertainer who also happens to be a Naval officer “Cute Abiola” has been apprehended by men of the Nigeria Navy.
He was reported Missing by his Colleague Mr. Macaroni this Evening via is Instagram stories. The Comedian left his house for office at Navy Town at about 06:00am on the 15th November2021 and got to his office at about 7:00am. while he got to the office, he called his wife and associate that he had gotten to the office.
See Details Below
“I have just received news that Cute Abiola is missing.
If the Nigerian Navy has any information to help Cute Abiola’s family and friends confirm his whereabouts or if he his in their custody, I think the honorable thing to do would be to clarify details surrounding his detention and put everyone’s mind at rest. Haba!