Meet The 18-year-old Nollywood Actress Who Rejected Movie Roles Because Of Her Beliefs & Values
Sometimes we tend to put our day-to-day jobs above our religion and beliefs for the purpose of earning a living. Meet the 18-year-old Nollywood actress who rejected movie roles because of her beliefs and values.
Susan Pwajok, the Nigerian child actress rose to fame after her appearance in the popular drama series, The Johnsons. The Johnsons had popular Nollywood casts like; Chinedu Ikedieze, Samuel Ajibola and others.
Over the years people started asking questions on why Susan Pwajok has just been featured in few Nollywood movies, despite her talent. In April, 2021 Susan Pwajok revealed that she had been rejecting a lot of movie roles.
The teenage actress had a shot in the limelight when featured in the poular TV series ‘Blessing’ in the TV series. She was involved in a chat with The Sun news where she discussed some misconceptions people have concerning her career.
According to her some people think she is a snob and does not want to associate with others but on the contrary, she is a very sweet and loving person although she is the hardest person to be friends with.
She said: “People think that I am snobbish and proud. But I am not, only those that know me inside out know the real me. I am the sweetest girl ever, if you get to know me better. Although, I am the hardest person to be friends with, I don’t know how to express my feelings to someone else. I ghost a lot; I like minding and facing my business alone. That’s my major issue, but snobbish? Not at all,”
“Yes, I reject roles. This depends on my character and what they want me to portray. If it is against my beliefs and values, I will not take it. In my family, we have standards, values and certain things we can’t do in public. I am from Jos; a northerner, so there are things I can’t do and roles I can’t accept.” she added.
The teenage actress said she did this because of her beliefs and values which cannot be affected by the characters portrayed by her in Nigerian movies. Susan added that her being a northerner from Jos also limits the movie roles she can act.